MarakiQana Sources
The Highest Quality
and Aromatic Ethiopian
Specialty Coffee For You

About Us

MarakiQana Means ‘Enthralling Flavor’ In The Amharic Language


We source unique flavors of single origin, Arabica specialty coffee beans including forest and wild coffees right from the birthplace of coffee –- Ethiopia.

Experience Ethiopia's most aromatic specialty coffee varieties.

MarakiQana Ltd is registered in Ethiopia and Kenya.

More About Us

Corporate Identity


MarakiQana Ltd is an Ethiopian specialty coffee roaster at origin.

What We Offer

Working directly with smallholder farmers and producers throughout Ethiopia, MarakiQana offers the highest quality, aromatic and freshly roasted specialty coffee.

Our Goal

To bring the world’s best coffee to our customers through an environmentally sustainable way.

Our Vision

Become the worlds’ preferred supplier of sustainably produced premium coffee, while inspiring a socially responsible business model that continually seeks to transform livelihoods and preserve the environment.

Coffee Varieties

Carefully Selected Aromatic and Specialty Coffee Varieties – Right From The Origin -- Ethiopia

Working directly with smallholder farmers and producers throughout Ethiopia, MarakiQana sources the highest quality aromatic specialty coffee for you.

You can choose from a wide array of flavors that suit your taste and preference.

  • Zege Wild Forest Coffee

    Distinct caramel, soft spicy and honey flavor with smooth, full bodied, well-balanced, high complexity.

  • Bench Maji Forest Coffee

    Rich cocoa, soft spicy and honey flavor, full bodied, creamy, with high complexity

  • Kaffa Coffee

    Medium to light acidity, honey, blackberry and floral notes

  • Yirga-Cheffe Coffee

    Bright acidity, marked by jasmine and floral flavors

  • Sidamo Coffee

    Bright acidity, with spicy and citrus flavors

  • Limu Coffee

    Medium acidity with distinct winy flavor

  • Guji Coffee

    Floral, berry and caramel flavours


Freshly Roasted Arabica Coffee That Customers Love


After Roasting Process

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This involves sampling the coffee to make sure baseline standards are set so as to meet your expectations


After Roasting Process

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This involves sampling the coffee to make sure baseline standards are set so as to meet your expectations


After Roasting Process

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This involves sampling the coffee to make sure baseline standards are set so as to meet your expectations


Our Work Place

Contact Us

You can schedule a visit to view our production facility.

What Makes Us Unique?

We Are a Specialty Coffee Roaster at Origin and Our Brand is Marked By Three Important Concepts

Our Facility
  • Originality - Hand-picked specialty coffee beans, hand-roasted and packaged with passion at origin.
  • Authenticity - Coffee varieties are traceable all the way to the individual farmers and communities.
  • Environmental & Social Impact - Promoting specialty coffee in order to preserve bio-diversity of Arabica coffee, combat climate change and sustain livelihoods.